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Things Some Vocal Coaches Will Say To Get Your $$$

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Hi Guys,

My goal is to help you identify legit, good information, whether that comes from KTVA or other sources.

But I also feel a responsibility to share with you when I smell a rat.

You see, I had to go through a lot of rats to get to the cheese. (to get to the real deal).

I see crazy advertising by vocal coaches that are promoting ideas that completely fly in the face of what we know to be true about the voice.

For example:

“Singing Scales is actually Counter-Productive.”

This is the equivalent of saying, “You don’t have to exercise or eat right to be healthy. Take my pill and you will be just fine.”

This same coach says: “Posture doesn’t matter.” (then he flip flops all over to try to prove his point).

Guys, I am not aware of a SINGLE legitimate vocal coach in the world that would agree with this.


Let That Sink In.

BEWARE of vocal coaches that will say anything to get your money.

Look, everyone needs to make a living. I don’t fault anyone for that.

But let’s do this honestly and with a view towards your success, with quality, honest information.

Kinda funny, this same vocal coach is running ads 24/7 on YouTube channels like mine.

There are 2 important things to learn from this.

#1 This video he is showing, came from a motivational speech he gave at a conference called: “Promote and Profit.” ( a conference given by online marketing guru Mike Koenigs)

How do I know this?

As fate would have it, my son True Tamplin is interested in online marketing.

He just “happened” to be at this conference in California where this vocal coach was giving a speech about online marketing. NOT SINGING. Online marketing. (this is the exact video you see in his video ads)

Let That Sink In.

In fact, my son was so surprised he took a selfie with him!

#2 Why does this vocal coach need to run ads on other people’s channels?
Because he can’t organically build a channel of his own. No kidding!
So instead he parasites on others’ channels to build his audience.

Let that sink in.


You have my word that I promise to do all I can to give you hard-to-come-by, quality information to help you grow your voice more than you ever thought possible…

I hope you find this information useful. 🙂

Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy – Where The PROOF Is In The Singing!

Watch this 30 second before and after video of a student who took the course for only one year:

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FINALLY….! Finally someone explains the mechanics of singing in a productive way (rocket ship pillars etc.). I’m improving by lightyears compared to what my singing was before. You get this a lot (as you should) but the course you’ve put together…MIND-BLOWING! Purchasing Kens material was a turning point in my life and the best thing that i have ever spent my $$$ on.” John Ash

Active KTVA Students in The KTVA Singers Forum:

“It’s awesome. The private sections of the forum are worth the price of admission alone. I struggled with 2 different tertiary (university Level) level teachers (6 months each about 8 years ago) telling me my voice just wouldn’t be able to do what i wanted to be able to do and even if it could, the material i wanted to be able to sing would be too ‘Dangerous.’ Absolute rubbish. If you do the work thats laid out in this course, you are golden, I started in March Last year struggling to hit the E4 note in ‘Under the Bridge’ chorus now I can sing this stuff:
Honestly man, you are not going to find a bad review here. The course and this forum completely demystifies every single aspect of great singing. Just be prepared to do the work.”

Streeter – KTVA Singers Forum

Gary Schutt

Anthony Vincent

Tori Matthieu

Sara Loera

Gabriela Gunčíková

Xiomara Crystal
