0 Tips For Singing That Could Change Your Career (Part 1 of 5)
- The voice is a muscle, and like any muscle in the body can grow and get stronger even into your 70’s when trained correctly
- People that are diagnosed with “nodes” or “polyps” can in many cases avoid surgery with proper vocal techniques and vocal exercises
- Most singers have no idea what their “true” vocal range is. Many resign themselves to “lower” vocal registers because they do not know how to access their upper register.
- Many female singers “flip” into their head voice registers too early which inhibits power in the mid voice.
- The over-use of air is one of the biggest “enemies” of the voice
- When experiencing cold or flu, it is better to continue to “exercise” the voice with proper training which will maintain more consistent vocal health and lesson “down time” from singing.
- The voice has a biological clock and likes to be warmed up at the same time every day?
- Most singers have a much higher range than they realize but due to “panic” they quickly “squeeze off the air in the throat” which seriously impedes and inhibits range
- A tenor can actually sing well into the soprano range when trained correctly
- A baritone can actually “stretch” his chest voice well into the tenor range safely