How To Sing High Notes Without Straining or Cracking

How to sing high notes is one of the most requested techniques to learn by new Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy vocalists. The Ken Tamplin Vocal Method is the most powerful singing method to apply when learning how to sing high-notes. Speech Level Singing will never be able to compete with the KTVA Open Throat Technique with regards to power, range and pitch – especially when singing high notes – and we have to do a lot of UN-training of bad SLS habits.

In order to sing high notes, it is vital that you grow the upper mid-voice first – this part of your voice MUST be strengthened first in order to be able to MAINTAIN high range singing. If you just start belting high notes without properly developing your upper mid voice, you run the real risk of permanently damaging your voice.

Check out this online voice lesson with Ken Tamplin:

And one more video of Ken Tamplin actually singing one of the hardest songs to sing in the world, Iron Maiden’s “Run To The Hills” – Ken Tamplin demonstrates how to sing high notes like Bruce Dickinson… Don’t try this at home!

It also important to understand the concept of over compressing air when singing high notes.

Open throat singing technique provides the diaphragmatic support mechanism needed to sustain high range singing, while providing release valves to release and relieve tension allowing the voice to “relax” into that “money note” rather than squeezing and straining to get there.

Master Vocal Coach Ken Tamplin will coach you on the correct way to sing and will SHOW you how to sing high notes – and any other notes for that matter.

Here are some more insights and videos on how to sing high notes.