How To Project Voice and Sing With More Power
Singing is an experience, a discovery of what your mind and body are capable of when you want to express yourself. You’ve seen the classic performances where the singer gets lost in the experience of singing and the power that comes from that can be astounding.
Anyone can scream at the top of their lungs but it won’t last long if you don’t have the proper techniques in your pocket first. How many of the world’s greatest vocalists have you seen lose their voice over time, or even injure themselves because of strain and poor technique? A lot!
The Ken Tamplin method of singing is designed specifically to teach you how to sing with ULTIMATE POWER for hours on end, without strain and without hurting yourself.
Hands Down the best thing a professional musician can buy. I have gone from struggling to sing the chorus from ‘Under The Bridge’ to having the confidence and ability to have a go at Whitesnake and Bon Jovi tunes. The only online music course (thats right, not just singing course.) that works.
Every other course is mutton dressed as lamb. This course turns you into an absolute beast if you do everything correctly and really pay attention to everything that is said.
Streeter – KTVA Singers Forum
Watch this free singing lesson video in which Ken Tamplin teaches you how to sing like Dio – talk about singing with ultimate power!
If you are new to the singing experience, make sure to check out the KTVA Singers Forum, it’s free to join and your will meet some great like-minded people!
Good singing to you!