Vocal Blending Exercises – Singing In Mixed Voice
Mixed voice is a very elusive subject.
There are a lot of opinions on the subject.
The most important question you can ask yourself is:
1) Does the person giving the information demonstrate physically what they preach effectively?
2) Do they have students that demonstrate what they teach effectively?
Now let’s get back to mixed voice.
There is an area in the voice that has a passageway between our Chest/Call/Belting Register that connects this register with our Falsetto.
This area is called the Passaggio (or passageway from our chest / call register into our falsetto register).
This can become pretty confusing and here’s why.
Until we understand how to grow our falsetto register to match the timbre / tone of our chest voice, it leaves a big void in this connection area between chest and falsetto.
For those that have tried, you will notice a big disconnect in this Passaggio, because the falsetto register cannot handle the “impact of air” when crossing between our call register and our falsetto.
I like to think of this like a leg or an arm.
If we’re going to kick a soccer ball, we employ the strength of our quad from the upper part of our leg and our calf from the lower part of our leg, however: we have a knee that connect the two. This knee is our “Passaggio.”
If we have not learned to strengthen Passaggio to handle the impact of that soccer ball that connects the quad to the calf, it cannot sustain the impact of kicking the ball.
So it is with the voice.
We must grow and strengthen this area in order to do that effectively and safely.
This brings me to another point.
If our falsetto is so weak and airy that it cannot match the strength and power of the transition from our chest voice into our head voice, it cannot be sustainable. It will crack and break down, and will not grow in a healthy and consistent way.
So the chain of command to understand how to do this effectively is this:
First we must grow our chest voice in a bright and robust manner.
Then we must grow our falsetto in a bright and robust manner, similar to our chest voice.
Then we must back off the volume of the sound to gently and gradually work through this “break” between our chest and falsetto registers, in order to gradually grow this area.
We first want to transition fairly low in volume, to get the feeling of it in our throat. We want to make certain that we are only singing as loud as we can connect, without lop-siding the chest or head voice.
In other words, DON’Tdon’t start the chest out loud, then back off the volume through the passaggio, and then sing loud again through your head voice/falsetto register.
Keep the volume consistent from chest, through the passaggio, and through falsetto.
Even if it’s almost at a whisper…
Start small and gradually build this area.
Connecting early from chest to head helps us understand how to do it, but it doesn’t help us much us with growing the passaggio/ mixed voice.
There is a very specific sequence on how to do this correctly.
I cover this in my singing course for anyone that is interested.
Here is an example of a song where I demonstrate Mixed Voice.
Please like and share. 🙂
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