How To Sing If You Have a Deep Voice (and Limited Vocal Range)
Often times in this day and age with all the singing shows etc., people place such a high emphasis on vocal range, as though this is the only way to determine if someone is a good singer.
This could not be further from the truth.
While it is awesome to have a great range as it increases our toolbox for what we can do creatively/musically, it is far from the only thing that makes us great.
What I try to demonstrate in this video is that Robert Palmer had a very limited range.
But it’s what he did with that range that mattered.
Not everyone is looking to have four octaves on their voice.
But you have a story that no one else has.
Let me say this again. You have a story that no one else has.
Its time that you get out and tell your own story and not worry so much about whether you stack up to American Idol, The Voice, X Factor, and so on.
Get out and kick some booty with your own voice and tell your story!
Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy – Where The PROOF Is In The Singing!
Watch this 30 second before and after video of a student who took the course for only one year:
Want To Learn to Sing Better?
Well, you CAN! Get started today with our ‘world famous for good reasons’ How To Sing Better Than Anyone Else PRO BUNDLE vocal course and you will be well on your way to singing better than you ever thought possible!