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A New Year + A New Voice = A New You!

Learn How To Sing Better Than Anyone Else

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A new year is coming and this means you have a new opportunity to start fresh and make your dream of becoming a great singer a reality.

“A New Year’s resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life.” Source: Wikipedia

Your New Year’s resolution to “really do it” is a noble one, so please let Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy help you accomplish it.

A new year is a great chance to shed the old you in many ways, make new life decisions, and create a new you.

This is how you start your new year after you buy your new year’s copy of How To Sing Better Than Anyone Else vocal course:

January through March: Volume 1

April: 1st Webcam Lesson with Ken Tamplin to measure your progress.

April through June: Volume 2

July: 2nd Webcam Lesson with Ken Tamplin to measure your progress.

July through September: Volume 3

Sprinkle the ProPack lessons throughout the year and by the time October hits, you’ll be a completely new person and you’ll be singing better than you ever thought possible!

We will be with you every step of the way, and we promise to uphold our end of the bargain – if you hold up yours and stay with it, you will be amazed at what you will accomplish!

Whatever your singing goals are, we will help you accomplish them – just like we have with thousands of other aspiring singers just like you! We look forward to seeing you headline arenas, record albums or sing in a great band!

See you soon!