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HURT – Cover vs Original – Which Is Better?

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Which do you think is better? The original song by the original artist or an artist who covers that song?

Most people would probably answer the original song by the original artist; however, many people think a song they thought was the original is not.

There are so many examples of this, I thought it would be interesting to do an entire series on it called “Cover Songs Vs. Originals – Which Is Better?”

I think some of my findings might actually astound you when you find out songs you loved are actually cover songs from another artist.

This time we’re looking at HURT by Trent Reznor – Nine Inch Nails against the version by Johnny Cash. Both versions are amazing. I hope you may learn more about both of these versions; what we learn may surprise you!

I hope you enjoy my new series. 🙂

Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy, where the PROOF is in the SINGING!