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Correct Tongue Placement for Singing – 4K

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It’s almost laughable how many people mock my tongue placement for singing.

It’s almost equally laughable how many vocal coaches try to call me out on it and say it’s tongue tension when they themselves cannot sing, cannot prove what they are espousing, and show no students doing it either.

All the while, I’m explaining the exact transformation of all the different stages of tongue placement in order to get to where I am today, and why I (and my students) do what we do.

And the irony is, when you watch some of the greatest singers in the world, starting with Pavarotti, you can clearly see large manipulations of the tongue in the same way that I am demonstrating it here in this video, and in my singing videos as well.

Check out Luciano Pavarotti’s tongue at 2:47 in this video:

Check out Adam Lambert’s tongue at 4:57 in this video:

Check out Whitney Houston’s tongue placement in this video:

All those out there that speak without knowledge and without demonstration will never learn because they’re too full of themselves and do not take the time to really investigate these concepts.

This is also true for what I teach regarding open throat technique and some of the earliest, most sacred non-negotiables of contiguous phrase open throat singing. By far the most powerful, effective, long lasting, and effortless singing in the world.

Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy – Where The PROOF Is In The Singing! (Not Bullsh*t Ivory Tower Talk)