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How To Become A Singer On A Cruise Ship

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Overview of Singing on Cruise Ships

Definition of a Cruise Ship Singer

A cruise ship singer is a professional vocalist who performs live music for passengers aboard a cruise ship. These singers are an integral part of the ship’s entertainment team and typically perform a variety of musical genres to cater to diverse audiences. They may perform solo, as part of a band, or in larger production shows.

Importance of Pursuing a Career as a Singer on a Cruise Ship

Singing on a cruise ship offers a unique and fulfilling career opportunity for vocalists. It allows performers to showcase their talent while traveling to different destinations around the world. Moreover, it provides a steady income, valuable performance experience, and the chance to network with industry professionals.

Steps to Becoming a Singer on a Cruise Ship

Understanding the Role and Lifestyle

Singers on cruise ships are often required to perform multiple sets each day, adapting to different audience preferences. They may also participate in additional activities such as meet-and-greets with passengers. It’s important for aspiring singers to understand the demanding, yet rewarding, nature of this role.

Developing Necessary Skills and Experience

To become a successful cruise ship singer, it’s essential to have a versatile vocal range, strong stage presence, and the ability to engage with audiences. Prior experience performing in various musical styles and genres, as well as the capability to work within a team of musicians and dancers, is highly beneficial.

Audition Process and Requirements

Cruise lines typically conduct auditions in various locations or accept video submissions. Aspiring singers must prepare a diverse repertoire to showcase their vocal abilities across different musical genres. It’s crucial to research specific cruise lines and their audition requirements to tailor the audition material accordingly.

Succeeding in the Cruise Ship Performance Environment

Once selected, singers must adapt to the dynamic performance environment onboard. This involves learning and rehearsing specific production shows, collaborating with the entertainment team, and being flexible with performance schedules.

Navigating Contracts and Agreements

Understanding the terms of the employment contract is crucial. Contracts often outline performance expectations, remuneration, accommodation, and other essential details. It’s advisable to seek legal or professional advice before signing any agreements.

Maintaining Vocal Health and Endurance

Singers must prioritize vocal health and endurance due to the demanding performance schedule and environmental factors. Adequate rest, vocal warm-ups, and hydration are essential for maintaining vocal strength and performance consistency.

Key Considerations for Aspiring Cruise Ship Singers

Potential Benefits of Pursuing a Singing Career at Sea

Singing on a cruise ship offers the opportunity to travel to exotic destinations, gain exposure to diverse audiences, and enhance performance versatility. Additionally, it provides a stable income, inclusive of accommodation and meals, while allowing performers to save a significant portion of their earnings.

Challenges of Working as a Singer on a Cruise Ship

Challenges include living and working in a confined space, being away from family and friends for extended periods, and adapting to the dynamic nature of cruise ship life. Singers must also be prepared for the physical and emotional demands of continuous performances.

Creating a Strong Audition Portfolio

Aspiring cruise ship singers should create a well-rounded audition portfolio that showcases their vocal range, versatility, and stage presence. This may include professionally recorded audio and video samples, headshots, and a detailed performance resume.


Becoming a singer on a cruise ship is an exciting and rewarding career path for talented vocalists. It offers the opportunity to perform in a unique and dynamic environment while traveling the world. By understanding the role, developing essential skills, and navigating the audition process and contracts, aspiring singers can successfully pursue a fulfilling career at sea.


1. What type of music do cruise ship singers perform?

Cruise ship singers perform a wide range of musical genres to cater to diverse audiences. This may include pop, rock, jazz, Broadway, classical, and contemporary hits.

2. How long are the contracts for cruise ship singers?

Contract lengths for cruise ship singers vary but typically range from 4 to 8 months, depending on the cruise line and the specific entertainment program.

3. Can aspiring singers apply for multiple cruise lines simultaneously?

Yes, aspiring singers can apply to multiple cruise lines simultaneously to increase their chances of securing a contract. However, it’s essential to research each cruise line’s requirements and tailor audition materials accordingly.

4. What are the living arrangements for cruise ship singers?

Cruise ship singers are provided with accommodation onboard the ship. Living arrangements may vary but often include shared cabins with other performers or crew members.

5. Are cruise ship singers required to participate in non-performance activities?

In addition to performances, cruise ship singers may be required to participate in meet-and-greets, rehearsals, and other entertainment-related activities as part of their contractual obligations.