About the dvdsAbout the voiceKTVA Blog How do you sing that high!? How can you get that high, i can but only mouse like, by tightening my…KTVAOctober 14, 2010
About the voiceKTVA Blog Don’t you either have a good singing voice or not!? Why practice? Can you really get better with lessons/practice? my parents say you either have it or…KTVAOctober 15, 2010
About the dvdsAbout the voiceKTVA Blog How serious do I have to be about singing to take your course? Hi, How serious do I have to be about singing to take your course? I'm…KTVASeptember 12, 2010
About the voiceKTVA Blog How can I sing like Elton John? How can I sing like Elton John? Ken Tamplin: Elton John has an alomost theatrical…KTVAAugust 15, 2010
About the dvdsAbout the voiceKTVA Blog Do your singing lessons translate well into Korean? My name is Jonathan and I found your website via YouTube. My question pertains to…KTVAAugust 16, 2010
About the dvdsAbout the voiceKTVA Blog Do you teach R & B and Pop singing? I am interested in buying your DVD's but it seemed like most of what you…KTVAAugust 22, 2010
About the dvdsAbout the voiceKTVA Blog Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy Reviews xxvishalxx I just bought the stage three, this man is a genius i cant thank…KTVAAugust 30, 2010
About the voiceKTVA Blog If I sing by myself, I sound terrible, is that common? MrCipres0 Hey i wanted to start your lessons, i play keys for a band in…KTVASeptember 4, 2010
About the dvdsAbout the voiceKTVA Blog When can I get the Licks and Tricks DVD? Is the Licks and Tricks DVD out yet? Ken Tamplin: The new Licks And Tricks…KTVAAugust 14, 2010
About the voiceKTVA Blog Can I get rid of bad singing habits? Hey Ken - I have been singing for a long time and have some bad…KTVAAugust 14, 2010