Pearl Jam – Eddie Vedder – Black – Cover
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Join Now!Black was quite an interesting song for me to take on!
For those of you that remember, when grunge happened, it was as though there was a rebellion against anything melodic and it was the death of the guitar hero (guitar solo), which, ironically, was to me the death of rock music in general.
That being said, Black seemed like such a departure from most of what Pearl Jam was notorious for. It was very unusual to have such a beautiful melodic song coming from a band that helped lead the grunge rebellion.
And a beautiful song it is!
Eddie Vedder sang it in his grunge-like manner, but for me as a vocalist, that was tough to do because I don’t resonate with that kind of singing in that kind of way.
So I took what I could from Eddie’s beautiful melody and just simply sang it like Ken Tamplin, with my influences.
I hope you enjoy listening to this song as much as I enjoyed making it for you.
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